JQuery DataTables
DataTable JQuery Plug-in
The DataTable plug-in can be used to create tables in the web application.
DataTable Features
The DataTable JQuery plugin has the following features –
Instant Search
Ordering the columns
Suitable for Bootstrap, etc.
Installation Process
Include the following CDNs in the web application
How to use JQuery DataTable Plug-in?
In index.html , just include the table tag with an id
<table id=”datatable-table” cellspacing=”0″ width=”100%”></table>
In script.js, include the data to be displayed in the table and the column headings as below
$(function(){ var dataSet1 = [ [‘Alice’,’A ‘], [‘Jack’,’B’] ]; $(‘#datatable-table’).dataTable( { “destroy”:true, “data”: dataSet1, “iDisplayLength”: 8, “bLengthChange”: false, “columns”: [ { “title”: “Student Name” }, { “title”: “Student Grade” } ], }); });
Error : Cannot reinitialise DataTable
If the above error occurs, include “destroy”:true, in the begining of a dataTable instance. This destroys any datatable instance created earlier.
$(‘#datatable-table’).dataTable( { “destroy”:true })
Working Example
Check the below link for a working example.