Angular ui-select

ui-select is used to search for options in the dropdown. Earlier select2 was used which is now deprecated and instead ui-select is used.


  • Make sure AngularJS version is above 1.2.

  • Using Node.js command prompt, open the project location. Install ui-select via bower using the following command

bower install angular-ui-select

  • Link the below two files to the project’s index.html page.



  • Other useful files that are to be linked to the index.html are as follows

Sanitize.js –  <script src=””></script&gt;

Select2 theme –  <link rel=”stylesheet” href=””&gt;

  • Include ‘ui-select’ and ‘ng-sanitize’ in the application’s module

          var app = angular.module(‘demo’,[‘ui-select’,‘ng-sanitize’]);


In order to implement this select through search feature, three main directives are used.

  • ui-select is the main directive which is similar to the select tag in HTML

  • ui-select-choice directive is similar to option tag in HTML

  • ui-select-match directive is to display the selected value among the options

Various attributes are associated with each directive.

<ui-select ng-model=”modelName.selected” theme=”select2″>

     <ui-select-match> {{$select.selected.propertyName}} </ui-select-match>

       <ui-select-choices repeat=”i in propertyArray” |  filters >

          <div ng-bind-html=”i.propertyName | highlight: $” > </div>



Avoid the following Errors

  • Error : Transclude not a function

Solution : Make sure the AngularJS version is above

  • Make sure all the script files links are placed first followed by the CSS file links. It is better to give AngularJS link the first position in order to avoid unexpected errors and odd UI design for dropdown.



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